Here is a list of places you can either read or buy my work, from most to least recently published:

  • Foreword, Oslo Writers League anthology VI, Almost, 2022
  • What I’m Made Of – Fiction, Oslo Writers League anthology V, In Darkness and Light (proceeds to Dråpen i Havet)
  • The King’s Right Hand – Fairy tale in Shadows of the Oak, published by Tenebris Books, 2016
  • Waiting for Her – Fiction, Oslo Writers’ League anthology IV, Some Shape of Beauty (proceeds to Redd Barna/Save the Children)
  • Escape – Fiction, Oslo Writers’ League anthology III, These Twisted Roots (proceeds to Redd Barna/Save the Children)
  • Pure Movement – Flash fiction in Newfound Journal (free to read)
  • Defect – Non fiction, Oslo Writers’ League anthology II, All the Ways Home (proceeds to Utdanningshjelpen)
  • The Door – Flash fiction in Felinity (credited as alias Selina Carr)
  • The Heart of the Forest – Fairy tale in Willow, Weep No More (credited as alias Selina Carr), published by Tenebris Books, 2013
  • Far North, True North and The Social Animal – Short fiction, Oslo Writers’ League anthology I, North of the Sun, South of the Moon (proceeds to Utdanningshjelpen)
  • Grace of Women – Short fiction in Strange Tales from the Scriptorian Vaults

My novels are not yet available for purchase, but if you would like to apply to be a beta reader, please contact me (note, I choose my readers very carefully, and only have a couple on each book, so don’t be upset if I decline your offer!).