We skipped a day, but we’re back to talk about why Ella is wearing a hoop skirt everywhere and how teleportation would work in coronavirus times. Ella tries a Mew-Two soda and describes her personality.
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Three weeks in quarantine and we’re starting to get used to it. Ella wrote a påskekrim (Easter crime) story called “The Paris Mystery”. She also describes how she April Fool’s pranked me and we talk about the crazy weather we’ve been having.
We took a break while Ella was at her dad’s, but now we’re back with Day 20. We have some new questions from Josh, Skye, Michelle and Shannon and Ella tries a Snorlax soda.
We did absolutely nothing today, so there wasn’t a whole lot to talk about. Thanks to a list sent to us by my friend Jess Capelle on Twitter, we had some “would you rather…” questions to keep us chattering.
This is the last episode for now. Ella will be back from her dad’s in a week’s time and we’ll resume then.
In the meantime, I could be convinced to do some readings of my published stories, but only if there’s actually an audience for it. Otherwise I’m just being a self-indulgent prat. So yeah, tweet me or email me if that’s something you want to hear.
Day 6 of corona quarantine was my birthday. We celebrated by getting all dressed up and having a roast lamb dinner, a Bunny Hop dance break, followed by dessert and a movie.
In this episode we answered questions from Ella’s cousins in Australia, Josh and Skye, and from some lovely people on Twitter, Daniel, Sadie B, Jess Capelle, and Jessica Fonseca.
Tonight, we fielded our first question from Twitter. If you’d like to ask a question for us to answer, you can tweet me @zoeselina or send an email to zoe [at] zoewrites.com.
Also, we’re finally approved on iTunes, so you can find us through Apple podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/the-quarantine-diary/id1503392008
Today, we each came up with five quick questions to ask each other. Ella learned about Buddhist monks and gritted her teeth through a cursive writing lesson for school work while I stressed my way through a busy work day.
Dinosaurs, vampire apples, and bad jokes. We’ve got it all.
This was our first full day of home school and home office together. We’re trying to get a routine established, but we’ve still got some work to do. We’re also onto the second can of Ocean Bomb Pokémon soda: Charmander orange!
Today is the first day of The Quarantine Diary. My almost-ten-year-old daughter and I are self-isolating just outside of Oslo, Norway and we decided to create a daily audio diary of our lives in quarantine.